You’d never know Tasha Benjamin had a heart attack. In fact, Tasha herself didn’t know it until her doctor told her. “, ‘Yeah, I need to refer you ,’” Tasha recalled. “I'm like, ‘Okay, why?’ And she's like, ‘Well, you've had...
Day: February 2, 2019
Featured, Features, Health
INSPIRE: Two heart surgeries won’t keep Anne Proppe off the roads
By Matthew Gutierrez In her early 50s, Anne Proppe gained about 40 pounds. She had stopped exercising so she could focus her energies on raising three daughters in her Baldwinsville home. Her blood pressure rose. Anne tried exercise, getting her...
Causes, Features, Health
For A Good Cause: Teri Tullar Lawless, I Support the Girls
What is the mission of I Support the Girls? We collect and distribute donations of new and gently used bras and individually sealed tampons and maxi pads to women and girls. We do not want women or girls missing opportunities...